
A toolkit for financial computing

Functions for financial Statistics

module Ito.Statistics

Weighted moments

The weighted, second, third and fourth moments. All these measures are corrected for sample bias.

mean(values::AbstractVector, weights::AbstractVector)

var(values::AbstractVector, weights::AbstractVector)

std(values::AbstractVector, weights::AbstractVector)

skewness(values::AbstractVector, weights::AbstractVector)

kurtosis(values::AbstractVector, weights::AbstractVector)

error_estimate(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
$\sigma / \sqrt N $

Risk Statistics

semi_variance(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
Returns the variance of observations below the mean.
See Markowitz (1959)
$$ \frac{N}{N-1} \mathrm{E}\left[ (x-\langle x \rangle)^2 \;|\; x < \langle x \rangle \right] $$

semi_deviation(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
The square root of semi variance

downside_variance(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
The variance of observations below 0.0
$$ \frac{N}{N-1} \mathrm{E}\left[ x^2 \;|\; x < 0 \right] $$

downside_deviation(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
The square root of the downside variance

regret(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, target::Real)
The variance of observations below target
$$ \frac{N}{N-1} \mathrm{E}\left[ (x-t)^2 \;|\; x < t \right] $$
See Dembo and Freeman, "The Rules Of Risk", Wiley (2001).

top_percentile(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, p::Real)

percentile(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, p::Real)

shortfall(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, target::Real)
Probability of missing the given target
$$ \mathrm{E}\left[ \Theta \;|\; (-\infty,\infty) \right]

\\ \text where \\
\Theta(x) = \begin{cases}
1 & x < t \\
0 & x \geq t \end{cases} $$

average_shortfall(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, target::Real)
Averaged shorfall below a target
$$ \mathrm{E}\left[ t-x \;|\; x < t \right] $$

expected_shortfall(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, p::Real)
Expected Shortfall at a given percentile. This is the expected loss in case that the loss exceeded a VaR threshold.
Also know as conditional value-at-risk.
$$ \mathrm{E}\left[ x \;|\; x < \mathrm{VaR}(p) \right ] , p \in [0.9,1) $$
See Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath, "Coherent measures of risk", Mathematical Finance 9 (1999)

potential_upside(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, p::Real)
potential upside (the reciprocal of VAR) at a given percentile $ p \in [0.9,1) $

value_at_risk(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, p::Real)
Value at Risk at a given percentile $ p \in [0.9,1) $

Guassian Risk Statistics

gaussian_downside_variance(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
Gaussian assumption downside variance
$$ \frac{N}{N-1} \times \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \theta \times x_i^{2}}{ \sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i}
\theta = 0 \text{ if } x > 0 \\
\theta = 1 \text{ if } x <0
\end{cases} $$

gaussian_downside_deviation(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector)
The square root of the gaussian downside variance

gaussian_regret(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, target::Real)
$$ \frac{\sum w_i (min(0, x_i-target))^2 }{\sum w_i} $$

gaussian_expected_shortfall(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, percentile::Real)
Gaussian assumption expected Shortfall at a given percentile. Also know as conditional value-at-risk.
$$ \mathrm{E}\left[ x \;|\; x < \mathrm{VaR}(p) \right ] , p \in [0.9,1) $$
See Artzner, Delbaen, Eber and Heath, "Coherent measures of risk", Mathematical Finance 9 (1999)

gaussian_shortfall(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, target::Real)
Gaussian assumption shortfall (observations below target)

gaussian_average_shortfall(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, target::Real)

gaussian_percentile(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, percentile::Real)

gaussian_top_percentile(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, percentile::Real)
$ percentile \in (0,1) $

gaussian_potential_upside(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, percentile::Real)
$ percentile \in [0.9,1) $

gaussian_value_at_risk(v::AbstractVector, w::AbstractVector, percentile::Real)
$ percentile \in [0.9,1) $