
# JavaCall.JavaObjectType.

A Julia wrapper around a JNI object pointer

# Taro.CellType.

A cell within an excel sheet. Most operations to get or set values occur on a cell. Wrapper for Java class

# Taro.CellStyleType.

A Cell style. Wrapper for Java class

# Taro.RowType.

A row in a sheet. Contains cells

# Taro.SheetType.

An excel Sheet, contained within a workbook. Wrapper around the Java class

# Taro.WorkbookType.

An excel Workbook, representing a single file. Wrapper around the Java class Constructors of this types are used to read existing files, or create new ones.

# Base.writeFunction.

write(filename::AbstractString, w::Workbook)

Write a workbook to disk.

# Taro.createCellStyleFunction.

create a new cell style from a workbook, prior to setting it on a cell

# Taro.createSheetFunction.

createSheet(w::Workbook, s::AbstractString)

Create a new sheet in the workbook with the specified name.

# Taro.extractFunction.


Extract raw text from documents, using Apache Tika. Returns a Dict of metadata name value pairs, and a String with the text of the document.

filename: path of file to read. relative to current directory, or absolute

# Taro.foFunction., outputPDFFileName::String)

Convert the input fo file to a PDF.

# Taro.fromExcelDateFunction.

fromExcelDate(date::Number; use1904windowing=false, roundtoSeconds=false)

Convert an Excel style date to a Julia DateTime object.

Excel stores dates and times as a floating point number representing the fractional days since 1/1/1900. If use1904windowing is true, the epoch is 1/1/1904, which is used in some older Excel for Mac versions. If roundtoSeconds is true, the millisecond part of the time is discarded.

# Taro.getCellFormulaFunction.


# Taro.getCellTypeFunction.



# Taro.getCellValueFunction.


Return the contents of a Excel cell.

A string or a float value is returned based on the type of the contents of the cell. If a cell is recognised as a being formatted like a date, a Julia DateTime object is returned. This function therefore is not type stable. For formulas, the last evaluated value of the cell is returned.

Note that the dates are stored internally within Excel as floats, and the recognition as a date is heuristic.

If a cell contains an error value, or is empty, nothing is returned.

# Taro.getExcelDateFunction.

getExcelDate(date::DateTime, use1904windowing::Bool = false)

Convert a Julia DateTime object into an Excel Date. The result will be a floating point number representing days since 1/1/1900. The time from midnight will be the fractional part of the number. If use1904windowing is true, the epoch is 1/1/1904, which is used in some older Excel for Mac versions.

# Taro.getSheetFunction.

getSheet(book::Workbook, sheet)

Return the specified sheet from the workbook. sheet can be specified as a name (string) or number (0-indexed)

# Taro.isCellDateFormattedFunction.


Return true if the format applied to the cell looks like a date.

This is a heuristic, and not guaranteed to be correct.

# Taro.readxlFunction.

Read tabular data out of an excel file into a Julia Dataframe. This is similar to the readtable function in the Dataframes package that reads a CSV file into a Dataframe.

The function returns a dataframe from the contents of an MS Excel file. The sheet and region containing the data should be specified. By default, a header row is expected, which must consist only of strings. The header keyword argument should be set to false if no header is present in the data.

filename : path of excel file (.xls or .xlsx)
sheet : sheet name or number (0-based).
    Can be omitted, in which case the first sheet (index `0`) in the workbook is selected.
range : string containing an excel range to read. eg. B4:D45

Optional Arguments : similar to Dataframes.readtable.

header::Bool = true
nastrings::Vector = ASCIIString["", "NA"]
truestrings::Vector = ASCIIString["T", "t", "TRUE", "true"]
falsestrings::Vector = ASCIIString["F", "f", "FALSE", "false"]
colnames::Vector = Symbol[]
coltypes::Vector{Any} = Any[]
skipstart::Int = 0
skiprows::Vector{Int} = Int[]
skipblanks::Bool = true

# Taro.setCellFormulaFunction.

setCellFormula(c::Cell, formula::AbstractString)

Set a formula as a value to an Excel cell.

The formula string should be what you would expect to enter in excel, but without the +. For example: "A2+2*B2" , "sin(A2)" , "some_user_defined_formula(B2)" Note that the formula will be evaluated only when the file is actually opened in Excel.

# Taro.setCellStyleFunction.

setCellStyle(cell:Cell, style::CellStyle)

Set a style to a cell. The CellStyle object must be created from the workbook

# Taro.setCellValueFunction.

setCellValue(c::Cell, x)

Set the value of an excel cell. The value can be a string, a real number, or a Date or DateTime.

# Taro.setDataFormatFunction.

setDataFormat(w::Workbook, style::CellStyle, format::AbstractString)

Set a dataformat on a CellStyle. Need the workbook to tie everything together